Old City


European diplomats recommend punitive action against Israel

European diplomats in Jerusalem have filed a report recommending that the EU takes punitive measures against Israel and recognize east Jerusalem as a capital for the Palestinians.

Israel’s war on Jerusalem children: 1,200 arrested in one year

Jonathan Cook reports on the brutality meted out by Israeli police to Palestinian minors, some as young as seven years old, including arrests, interrogation without the presence of a lawyer

Israel’s racist rabbis: wave of edicts urge “Hate the gentile”

Jonathan Cook views the vile racism disseminated by prominent Israeli rabbis, from edicts prohibiting the renting of homes to gentiles, to justifications for murdering Palestinian babies, to utterances defining non-Jews

Settlers seize Palestinian building in Silwan area, displace Qara’ein family

Extremist Jewish settlers seized Tuesday morning under military protection a Palestinian building in Al-Farouq neighborhood in Al-Makhbar Mount overlooking Silwan district, south of the old city of occupied Jerusalem.

J’lem attorney discloses Israeli plan for full destruction of city

The Israeli government is “planning to completely destroy the city of Jerusalem and a erect a new Jerusalem with a Zionist vision amid a plan it prepared which it calls

Settlers attempt to kidnap toddler in al-Khalil, beat up boy in Jerusalem

A number of extremist Jewish settlers tried on Wednesday evening to kidnap a 3-year-old Palestinian toddler in the southern West Bank city of al-Khalil, according to Palestinian security sources.

Zionist settlers provoke new clashes in OJ

Violent confrontations took place on Sunday between Jerusalemites and Zionist settlers backed by Israeli occupation police in the vicinity of the Qirsh family home in the Old City of occupied

IOA expands tunnel network underneath Aqsa

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) is expanding its diggings underneath and in the vicinity of the holy Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem.

130,000 worshipers attend Friday prayers at Aqsa

More than 130 thousand worshipers from Jerusalem, 1948 occupied Palestine and elderly people from the West Bank attended the Friday prayers at the Aqsa Mosque on the first Friday of

UNRWA slams Israeli seizure of 9 houses in Old City, J’lem

UNRWA condemned on Saturday a group of Israeli settlers who by force of arms and under Israeli military protection seized a building which houses 9 Palestinian families in Old City,