

Catholic Church Welcomes Muslim Brotherhood Dialogue; Orthodox Church Awaits Badie Visit

The Brotherhood welcomes Egyptian Church’s goodwill gesture, prays for the Pope’s full recovery, and announces “our door is open to all” for friendly objective discussions to bridge views and forge

MB and Christian youths launch first coalition

In a first move to eliminate fears between the Muslim Brotherhood and Christians, the first Coalition of the MB and Christian Youths will be launched at 8pm Friday April 1st,

Mahmoud Abbas Caves In: Recognizes the US as a Jewish State [Satire]

In a major breakthrough engineered by the great man of change and hope and who has blocked access to all documents that tell us anything about him, Israeli Vice President


Islam is the unfortunate scapegoat presented, stereotyped and linked to each catastrophe which so happens to involve an individual Muslim, who by the way may not be a practicing Muslim.

Sectarian tensions are somebody’s fault

On Orthodox Christmas day, six Copts were killed while coming out of churches in Nagaa Hammadi. The horrific crime, committed by three Egyptian Muslims, is a wakeup call. It should

Egyptian Intellectuals: Church of great importance to country not exclusive to particular sect.

Coptic intellectuals warned that the Egyptian church may be transformed from being a church of God into a church belonging to a very closed-minded Christian sect. He called for the