Palestinian Cause


Free Download: The Palestinian Strategic Report 2008

For four consecutive years, Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations has been keen on producing the annual Palestinian Strategic Report.

MB in Jordan call for closing of detainees’ cases

The detention of the IAF's (MB) members in Jordan constituted "a violation of the fundamental principles of human rights

Egypt: University students rise in solidarity with Al-Aqsa

In the Cairo, al-Azhar and Zagazig Universities hundreds of MB students rose up against the submissiveness of the Arab and Muslims feelings which were not met with any official action

What Must Abu Mazen Do?

Abu Mazen, president of the Palestinian Authority, is in deep trouble. He is in search of a strategy. After visits to Germany, Britain and Russia in recent months, and consultations

Losing Patience

Even those who dislike Hamas have a sneaking admiration for their courage and determination against impossible odds. How many of their critics could have emerged from what they have been

Israeli Knesset decides not to return confiscated Arab lands

The Israeli Knesset (parliament) on Monday endorsed the second and third reading of a draft resolution allowing the return of confiscated lands to their real owners if they weren’t utilized

Chairman: Unity will successfully combat corruption and oppression.

In his weekly statement Dr Badie chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood concentrated on the significance of the Islamic world to liberate itself from any foreign oppression.

Israel phones families of prisoners to incite them to press Hamas

GAZA, (PIC)-- The Palestinian ministry of prisoners’ affairs said Tuesday that Israeli intelligence embarked lately on contacting families of long-serving detainees from the Gaza Strip to incite them to pressure

British judge issues arrest warrant against Livni for war crimes

News reports on Monday evening confirmed that a warrant was issued in London for the arrest of Tzipi Livni on charges of war crimes committed against Gaza people while she

Clovis Maksoud: Sanctions are the means to find an end

This time Dr Maksoud provided insights into the tragic Palestinian political situation, the lack of Arab and Muslim political will to move effectively to restore justice to Palestinians, the Goldstone