Palestinian Rights


Muslim Brotherhood Endorses Al-Azhar Document on the Future of Egypt

In a press conference at Al-Azhar Wednesday, a number of key Egyptian political figures and party representatives from across the political spectrum endorsed the document proposed by Al-Azhar last June

FJP Condemns Israeli Blocking of French Vessel Headed for Gaza

Freedom and Justice Party Secretary General Dr. Saad Katatny strongly criticised the Israeli naval forces which forcefully took over the French vessel Dignite al-Karama en route to Gaza to break

MB Statement on Incidents in Syria

The Brotherhood treasures Syria's good position as a pillar of resistance, embracing Palestinian rights for liberating the land, supporting the armed resistance, embracing the stances of Palestinian faction leaders, and

The Brotherhood Has Earned Its Place at the Political Table

With Mubarak now out of the Egyptian political arena, and as the Armed Forces battle to establish a new democratic structure, there is much speculation about whether the Muslim Brotherhood

“War criminals” leak strikes at heart of Israeli society

Paul Larudee considers the implications for Israel and its armed forces of the leaking of the details of 200 Israeli military personnel who participated in the invasion of Gaza of

IOA rounded up 33 children in Silwan last month

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) has detained 33 Palestinian children in the Silwan town, in occupied Jerusalem, a report by the Wadi Hilwa information center said.

Israel Torture Palestinian Children by Electric-Shocking

Defence for Children International (DCI) Palestine Section (DCI/Palestine) "is a national section of the international non-government child rights organisation and movement (dedicated) to promoting and protecting the rights of Palestinian

Ambassador Oren’s Invisible Israel

Michael Oren is the Israeli ambassador to the United States. This means he stands in a line of foreign diplomats who are often quite out of the ordinary. For one

Israeli court reproaches two soldiers for using child as human shield

An Israeli military court condemned on Sunday two Israeli soldiers for forcing a nine-year-old Palestinian child during Gaza war to approach what they suspected as explosives, but it did not

American Universities Say Yes to Apartheid

A letter from Gaza appeared on the Web dated September 24, 2010. It was from a group of Gaza academics and students and sought to publicize the fact that eight