

Egypt’s Waning Power

Egyptians are struggling to make ends meet, and Egypt can no longer boast of being the foremost political, economic and cultural country in the Middle East.

Egypt and Iran

President Mubarak sees Iran and its attempt to exert more influence throughout the region as Egypt’s biggest long-term threat, due to its support for HAMAS, weapons and illegal funds’ smuggling.

No such thing as justice in the Holy Land, Palestinian Church leaders tell the Irish

Stuart Littlewood views a recent tour of the Republic of Ireland by a delegation of Church leaders from Palestine during which they described in meetings with Irish politicians the situation

Egypt – Pawn in a Losing Game?

The Middle East is turbulent. In the midst of war, threats of war and oppression, the Egyptian election took place and it was marred by voter intimidation, fraud, and a

A Bribe Too Good to Refuse

When all else fails, offer money, or in this case weapons for peace (a clear oxymoron) via for a three month settlement construction moratorium in name only.

Ehud Barak’s criminal legacy regarding Israeli attitudes to the Palestinians

On Saturday evening, two weeks ago, we returned by taxi from the annual memorial rally for Yitzhak Rabin, and as usual got into a conversation with our driver.

MK Baraka exposes plan targeting Arab homes in Lod

-- Arab MK Mohammed Baraka, speaking Saturday before the Israeli Knesset, offered evidence suggesting that NIS 40 million of the NIS 130 million budget set aside to develop the city

Israel’s Netanyahu undoubted winner of US mid-term elections – for now

Uri Avnery argues that although the Republican win in the US mid-term elections represents a victory for Binyamin Netanyahu, the longer term prospects for the Israeli prime minister and those

Israel’s US propaganda machine at work

A few days ago, Robert Elman, President of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), published a letter praising David Harris, Executive Director of the AJC.

Jewistan: Finally Recognizing Israel as the Jewish State

Israel’s Likudnik Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached into his bag of Zionist tricks and pulled out a brand-new demand that had never surfaced before in the history of the Middle