

Statement by the Muslim Brotherhood: No Reconciliation with Egypt’s Coup Regime

Muslim Brotherhood denounces recent news in some local and international media outlets claiming negotiations, contacts or deals between the group and the fascist military coup regime in Egypt, which is

Muslim Brotherhood: Coup Authorities, Judges Responsible for Health and Safety of President Morsi

While the Muslim Brotherhood stresses its firm and clear position on the invalidity of the trials against the legitimate, freely elected president of Egypt Dr. Mohamed Morsi and that his

El Haddad’s Health Deteriorates in Al ‘Aqrab Prison

The family of Dr. Essam el-Haddad, 64, an adviser to President Mohamed Morsi, confirmed that his health is continuously deteriorating in his detention at Al ‘Aqrab prison  Mona Imam, wife

Ibrahim Halawa: EU is Partner of the Human Rights Abuses in Egypt

Ibrahim Halawa, an Irish Egyptian political prisoner who was released  from Egyptian prisons on October 20, 2017 after 4 years in detention,  called on EU countries to stop sending aid

PRESS RELEASE: ERC Accuses Sisi’s Regime of Deliberately Threatening Health and Life of President Morsi

Monday, November 20, 2017   Press statement The Egyptian Revolutionary Council accuses the Egyptian regime of Abdel – Fatah El Sisi of deliberately threatening the health and life of Egypt’s

Muslim Brotherhood Holds Junta Regime Responsible for President Morsi’s Health, Life

On Monday, November 13, the World listened to President Mohamed Morsi, as he revealed to the Court and the World the blatant violations he is subjected to, inside the Court

President Morsi’s Son: His Life is in Danger in Illegitimate Detention

Ahmed Mohamed Morsi, the son of President Mohamed Morsi, said that his father, in the latest session of his sham trial, spoke once again about dangers threatening his life and

Spokesman Fahmi: Muslim Brotherhood Does Not Recognize Any Elections without President Morsi

Talaat Fahmi, Muslim Brotherhood spokesman, said the group "does not recognize, or have any thing to do with, elections that may be held in Egypt" in the group’s first official

Anti-Coup National Alliance Calls “Celebrate Steadfastness” Protest Week

Eid Al-Adha (Muslims’ Feast of Sacrifice) is onto us, and in every home in Egypt there are poor people or families of political prisoners suffering horrific atrocities under the military

President Morsi’s Family Deplores Violations of his Rights in Detention, World Silence

First: We deplore the silence of human rights organizations, civil society, governments and all those concerned with freedom and struggle against oppression, over the crimes committed by coup junta authorities