Presidential Candidates


ANHRI Annual Report: Human Rights Situation in Egypt in Steep Decline

 The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) issued its annual report on the democratic process in Egypt in 2017, which it described as "steep decline". The Network said: "The

Brotherhood Never Even Contemplated Deal with Former Regime Officials, Especially General Shafiq

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood leader Mahmoud Ghozlan stressed that the group never had the wish, intention or inclination to cooperate with ex-regime stalwarts, like General Shafiq – because the Brotherhood believed

Bishop Bakhoum: We Do Not Fear the Muslim Brotherhood, with their Honorable History

Sohag Bishops assure that Copts respect and appreciate the Muslim Brotherhood, and find them trust-worthy, with a long and honorable history to vouch for them.

Beltagy: Parliament’s Key Achievements are Distorted, Vilified

FJP Secretary General, Beltagy, criticizes media for mostly ignoring – when not vilifying – the post-revolution parliament’s important and unprecedented achievements, and urges effective action to face up to old

Abdel-Maksoud: Egyptian People Will Defeat Former Regime Holdovers in Run-Off Round

Although Egypt’s first competitive Presidential election ever had its negative aspects and a number of violations, errors and irregularities, the Muslim Brotherhood and its political wing the FJP regard process-supervising

Yassin: Freedom and Justice Party Continues Coalition Efforts to Defend Revolution

If the Egyptian revolution means anything, if the blood of the honorable martyrs of the revolution holds any value, if the excruciating suffering of those wounded in the revolution is

Full Report on Dr. Mohamed Morsi’s Visit to Aswan

Translation of a full report on presidential contender Dr. Morsi’s mass rally held in Aswan on May 5, 2012 as part of his election campaign across Egypt.

Dr. Beltagy in Tahrir Square: We Seek National Harmony, Broad Consensus

Vowing to protect Egypt’s forthcoming presidential election from fraud, MP Beltagy urges all political parties and national groups and movements to unite and close ranks to face up to real

Al-Shater Lawyer Challenges Presidential Disqualification Decision

Muslim Brotherhood lawyer Abdel-Maksoud files an appeal against the presidential elections panel’s ruling to exclude moderate Islamist leader Al-Shater from Egypt’s race for the presidency.

Muslim Brotherhood, Freedom and Justice Party Statement – Sunday 8 April 2012

In Egypt’s increasingly tumultuous political scene, the Brotherhood and its political wing have kept the main goal of completing the democratic process in sharp focus; and now they nominate Dr.