

Detained Muslim Brotherhood Leader Beltagy Refuses Hunger Strike Halt

Dr. Beltagy rejects instruction by a coup preacher to stop his hunger strike protesting solitary confinement, inhuman conditions and ill-treatment in detention.

Muslim Brotherhood Committed to Peaceful Protest; Junta Escalate Exclusion, Elimination

After coup authorities declare Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, the group affirms this shows the government's insistence on illegitimate vilification of the Brotherhood in order to exclude it or

Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance Strongly Condemns Mansoura Explosion Incident

Egypt’s anti-coup, pro-democracy coalition denounces the bombing Tuesday of a police directorate, and urges Egyptians to persevere in their revolt, with renewed commitment to non-violent defiance.

Muslim Brotherhood, Freedom and Justice Party Leaders Condemn All Violence

Following the Mansoura bombing Tuesday, leaders of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and its political wing, the FJP, denounce all violence and reiterate commitment to peaceful protest.

Press Release : Alliance Mourns the Death of Mr. Nelson Mandela by an Official Delegation

Anti Coup Pro-democracy Alliance mourns the death of Mr. Nelson Mandela, an extra-ordinary leader and a staunch fighter for freedom.An official delegation representing the Egyptian people is joining the world

Brotherhood Chairman Vows Continued Work for Egypt Freedom Even in Hardship, Tragedy

Although heinous coup security forces shot his son dead with live bullets to the head and eye, and although he is still being held captive in the junta’s jails, Mohamed

Pro-Democracy National Alliance: Free Women of Egypt are Stronger than the Putschists

Egypt’s pro-legitimacy coalition of groups and movements against the coup calls on all Egyptians to mass starting 7AM in solidarity with the "7 AM" women’s protest movement.

Egypt Pro-Democracy National Alliance Calls ‘Women are Soul of the Revolution’ Week

Another week of peaceful protests is laid out by the Anti-Coup Alliance, which also calls a 7AM rally on Saturday, in solidarity with the ‘7AM’ women’s movement.

Anti-Coup Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance Strategic Vision November 16, 2013

Egypt’s pro-democracy national coalition issues an important statement Saturday November 16 calling for a broad dialogue to end the ongoing crisis in the country, while stressing that constitutional and electoral

Pro-Democracy Coalition: Lifting State of Emergency Mere Formality as Repression Continues

Anti-Coup National Alliance leading member Darrag deplores ‘cosmetic’ lifting of the state of emergency imposed since August 14, 2013 by coup authorities, pointing that arbitrary arrests of students and other