

Egypt Anti-Coup National Alliance Urges Short Friday Marches Avoiding Bloodshed

Anti-Coup, pro-democracy national coalition calls on the people of Egypt to organize short marches and peaceful protest demonstrations on Fridays, and to avoid places where more bloodshed is expected.

Video Links to Sunday, October 6, 2013 Anti-Coup Main Events

As a handful of coup supporters gleefully celebrated October 6 (1973) war victory over Israel, vowing to dance on the dead bodies of anti-coup demonstrators, more than 11 million Egyptians

Egypt Anti-Coup, Pro-Democracy National Alliance Calls ‘People Regain October Spirit’ Week

Egypt’s coalition of parties and movements opposed to the military coup calls all Egyptians to rally in massive non-violent marches, in another week of anti-coup peaceful protest activities.

Egypt Anti-Coup Alliance Affirms Tahrir ‘Revolution Capital Cairo’ Million-Man March

Egypt’s coalition of pro-democracy, anti-coup parties and movements calls Egyptians to non-stop, non-violent protests to prepare for a massive peaceful march to Tahrir Sunday.

Egypt ‘Youth Against The Coup’ Calls General Strike, Mass Demonstrations Sunday, September 22

'Youth Against The Coup' movement urges all Egyptians to start full civil disobedience and to come out for huge peaceful protests on Sunday.

Muslim Brotherhood: Why Revolution Will Remain Peaceful

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood reiterates its commitment to non-violent protest in support for democracy and the return of legitimacy.

Anti-Coup, Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance: Brutal Coup Epitome of Terrorism

As the fascist putschists’ desperate media campaign criticizes coup opponents as terrorists, the real traitors and ruthless terrorists are killing and wounding thousands of people, arresting thousands more, chasing, terrorizing

Beltagy Beaten in Prison; Affirms Triumph Over Injustice and Oppression

From the depths of the putschists’ dark dungeons, Muslim Brotherhood and FJP leading figure Beltagy assures victory over repression and tyranny is on the horizon.

Global demonstrations in solidarity with Egypt’s pro-democracy movement

A series of world-wide demonstrations will be held on Friday 30th August in solidarity with the heroic Egyptian people. Activists and campaigners will converge on major cities in the Americas,

Multilingual Website Devoted to R4BIA Sign Now Running

The anti-coup sign which is quickly spreading across the globe now has its own multilingual website explaining its birth and meaning: