

Boycotting fascism?

During the last week angry young residents of Tel Aviv have been staging a sit-in, or, more accurately, a tent-in, along fashionable Rothschild Boulevard to protest their being priced out

FJP Criticizes Foreign Grants to Activists Groups

Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) Vice-President Rafiq Habib, stated that his party doesn't approve U.S. grants opportunties to fund NGO’s in Tunisia, Egypt, and other Middle East and African countries

Arab Youth – Changing Worldwide Perceptions

Change has definitely come to the Arab world and it has come at the hands of the youth. They are not just changing the political scene, but also how Westerners

Will Violence in Libya Mean ‘Stalemate’ for Democracy Movement?

The primary goal of the uprisings throughout the Arab world is to put power back into the hands of civilians, after they have been ruled by internationally-backed tyrannical powers for

Egypt: Keeping State Security ,Allowing Police officers To Demonstrate And Rewarding Them Then Warning Workers

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information said today that the warnings of the Supreme Council of the forces of military and religious leaders to the workers and urging them

Impediments to Clear Analysis of the Egyptian Revolution

Mubarak's government is seeking talks with protestors hoping to end the demonstrations that are crippling the economy and destabilizing the regime. Protestors, however, simply want Mubarak to step down, seeking

The Egyptian Government Should Reveal The Fate Of Wael Ghoneim

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information expressed deep concern over the disappearance of the Egyptian citizen Wael Ghoneim, regional marketing manager of Google American group in the Middle East

Pro-Democracy Islamists Suffer in Crackdown

The Syrian government’s recent crackdown on Islamist figures known for their pro-democracy activities has highlighted the difficulty faced by political Islam in growing as a popular movement in Syria.

Free Monem, Free Karim, Free Egypt

An international campaign to free Monem was launched by a group of activist bloggers from several countries.