

Police, Thugs Ambush and Kill Pro-Morsi Demonstrators Outside Cairo University

Aided by police firing teargas at peaceful Morsi supporters in a Cairo sit-in, armed Tamarod (Rebel) thugs are using automatic weapons and live bullets to kill and injure hundreds of

FJP Leader Erian: Ballot Box Only Way for Political Expression

FJP Vice-Chairman Erian reaffirms that democratization process will ultimately win and Egypt’s Revolution will not be undermined with millions ready to defend it.

Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Old Regime Remnants, NSF and Rebel Attacks Friday

A whole catalogue of wanton acts of violence, murder, mayhem and destruction by ousted regime holdovers, Salvation Front and Rebel movement thugs.

Journalists For Reform: Rebel Responsible for Killing of US Journalist Friday

Witnesses affirm 21-year-old US journalistic photographer stabbed to death in Alexandria Friday was victim of Rebel violence.

FJP Statement on the Opposition’s Systematic Acts of Violence Across Egypt

Translation of the Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Tuesday’s wave of co-ordinated criminal acts of arson, anarchy and vandalism.

FJP: Opposition Refused to Nominate New Governors; Attempts Coup Against Legitimacy

Having refused to offer candidates for a nationwide governor reshuffle, Egypt’s opposition parties and movements now reject the President’s appointments and plot violence for the anniversary of his first year

Muslim Brotherhood-Alexandria Statement on Rebel Siege of Tawheed Mosque

Brotherhood spokesman Anas Al-Qadi condemns Rebel’s early start of a violent campaign, laying siege to places of worship in Alexandria, thus proving it is nothing but the so-called Black Bloc

FJP Leader Heshmat: ‘Rebel’ Savagery Reflects Confused Thinking, Political Bankruptcy

As if being founded on a fully flawed concept, against state law and constitution, is not absurd enough, Rebel movement shows its sinister nature by attacking people’s homes and smashing

Freedom and Justice Party in Aswan: ‘Rebel’ Phony Opposition by Ousted Regime Holdovers

According to FJP leader Ahmed, Rebel movement is another manifestation of toppled Mubarak cronies and affiliates – another failing desperate attempt to undermine and destroy postrevolution democratic process.