Sarah Palin


The Dark Side of American Politics and Religion

We must improve US religious literacy. Most Americans are broadly religiously illiterate, as religion has too often become an excuse for discrimination, bigotry and hate crimes, note John L. Esposito

They took the pastor’s bait, just like they took bin Laden’s

Having scammed his way to centre stage, Terry Jones pivoted at the last moment. He cancelled his plan to burn the Quran, but only on the basis of an utterly

Wahabi Imam to burn the Bible in Cairo!

The question is why didn’t the western and most influential mediacomment on this racist and discriminatory incident? The diehard bigots and hypocrite racists who want to burn Quran and smear

Former US candidate demonstrates Islamophobic tendencies

Islamophobia has become a topic of increasing sociological and political importance and its existence is all too relevant.

Will Smith’s Last Pharaoh vs. Egypt’s History by Hollywood

Will Smith's latest project, The Last Pharaoh, is expected to be a mega action movie that will be seen by millions around the globe. Smith sits on the top of

The Palin Effect

Little understood by those outside this culture was her religious worldview: Sarah Palin would topple America's secular tyrants, leading her people, the true Christians, into the kingdom, notes Max Blumenthal.