

Political Activist Wael Ghonim: Fear of Islamists Coming to Power ‘Exaggerated’

Political activist, Wael Ghonim, described the fear of Islamists coming to power as ‘exaggerated’. The real significance lies not in which party reaches parliament, Ghonim said, but its performance once

Political Activist Wael Ghonim: Fear of Islamists Coming to Power ‘Exaggerated’

Political activist, Wael Ghonim, described the fear of Islamists coming to power as ‘exaggerated’. The real significance lies not in which party reaches parliament, Ghonim said, but its performance once

Dr. Morsi After Annan Meeting: Military Pledges to Hand Over Power End of June

Dr. Mohamed Morsi, Chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), stated that the meeting of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) with the political stakeholders, today, resulted

El-Erian: New Cabinet Should Prepare Egypt for Elections, Fulfill Revolution Demands

In a statement to Ikhwanweb, Vice President of Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) Dr. Essam El-Erian stressed hat the new cabinet should work to prepare the country for the parliamentary

As Protests Continue, Egyptians Determined to Fulfill Revolution’s Demands

Egyptian activists appeared determined to continue their protests untill the ruling military council addresses outstanding demands left unfulfilled from the January 25th Revolution.

Protesters Dissatisfied With PM Speech

Egyptian demonstrators expressed discontent with Prime Minister Essam Sharaf’s announcement in which he promised a cabinet reshuffle within a week as well as a new appointment of governors by half

MB Spokesman Optimistic About Meeting Revolution’s Demands

Media spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood Dr. Mahmoud Ghazlan stated that to date a number of demands by the revolutionists have been met although others remain to be achieved.

PM: People Are First and Foremost Sovereign Quarter

Addressing the nation, Prime Minister Dr. Essam Sharaf asserted that he is doing his utmost to meet the public demands.

Egypt’s PM Calls on People to Remain Patient

Addressing a forum on the January 25 Revolution which ousted the former dictator president Mubarak, PM Essam Sharaf stated that freedom, democracy and social justice were the three main demands

Change of Articles in the Parties’ Laws Approved

The Council of Ministers, headed by Prime Minister Essam Sharaf, has agreed to amend some texts in Article 8 and 9 of law number 40 on political parties today, May