

Al-Shater, in Cairo: Renaissance Project Made by All Egyptians

While Egypt’s new presidential hopeful Al-Shater promises total overhaul of the country’s economy and security systems, vowing to solve daily living problems within months, he urges every citizen to do

Al-Shater Urges Egypt’s Stakeholders to Discuss Solution for Constituent Assembly Deadlock

Al-Shater: I call upon all political actors to start national dialogue, in order to end the impasse with regard to the committee entrusted with drawing up Egypt’s new national charter,

Freedom and Justice Party Takes Part in Carnegie Endowment For Peace Conference

FJP debut in the U.S.A kicks off a world-wide public relations campaign to forge new ties between Egypt and several other countries, based on mutual respect and understanding.

Dr. Morsi: Comprehensive Renaissance Project for Egypt Starts Soon

The head of Egypt’s parliamentary majority party, Dr. Morsi, dispels concerns about the Brotherhood’s growing influence, asserting that the party and the group are determined to safeguard all human rights.

No National or International Isolation Anticipated With Brotherhood Presidency Decision

While some Egyptian analysts express apprehension regarding public response to the Brotherhood’s decision to field its own presidential candidate, Dr. Hussein believes the organization stands to lose no friends on

Brotherhood Lawyer: Al-Shater Legal Position Perfectly Clear, Solid

Contrary to what certain ‘pessimist’ Egyptian media have been circulating in the past few hours, legal expert Abdel-Maksoud believes Al-Shater’s bid for the presidency is absolutely clear and sound, from

Al-Shater Resigns Brotherhood Post to Focus Efforts on Forthcoming Presidential Elections

The Brotherhood’s second in command, Al-Shater, resigns his prominent position to run for Egypt’s top job in the May presidential elections.

Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Chairman Al-Shater Receives Norway’s Foreign Minister

Norwegian officials offer a number of collaborative initiatives to benefit Egypt and Norway and their peoples.

Former Egyptian IM Eissawy: Banning Brotherhood From Joining Police Academy Injustice

Eissawy: Had Muslim Brotherhood been in charge during Mohamed Mahmoud St. bloody events, they would have defused situation without bloodshed, just like they did when they protected MPs entering the

Khairat Al-Shater: Fulfilling Egyptian Revolution’s Demands Top Muslim Brotherhood Priority

Khairat Al-Shater, deputy chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), reiterated that the Brotherhood and the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), the MB’s political arm, rank fulfilling the revolution’s demands as