

Egypt Legitimate Parliament Statement to Egyptian People on Coup Sham Elections

With record low turnout for the junta's latest illegitimate elections, Egypt's parliament abroad (elected in free and fair elections in 2012) urges all patriots to unite and oust the military-controlled

Heshmat: Coup Regime Looks for False Legitimacy through UN Membership

Senior Muslim Brotherhood leader Heshmat says junta-controlled regime's bid for nonpermanent UNSC seat is an attempt to camouflage the coup with sham international legitimacy.

Students Against the Coup in Zagazig University Vows Retaliation for Sarah Mashaal Abduction

In a statement Wednesday, SAC condemns the blatant violations of student Sarah Mashaal's rights by coup authorities who abducted her from within the university campus.

Syria Muslim Brotherhood Vows Victory Despite Long Suffering

Aggressors, in every time and place, share the same criminal strategy, in which they violate human values ​​and the rights of peoples to freedom and dignity, repeatedly attacking sanctities and

Muslim Brotherhood Denounces Repeated Zionist Attacks on Aqsa Mosque, Worshipers

Blatant attacks by dozens of Zionist-occupation forces and activists against Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestinian Murabitoun worshipers are most heinous crimes in which Arab rulers are complicit by failing to protect

Interior Ministry Militias Murder Freedom and Justice Young Leader After Arrest

Another heinous extrajudicial killing shocks Egyptians as coup regime security forces shoot dead a young FJP leader three days after arresting him.

Freedom and Justice Party Submits Egypt Human Rights Crisis Report to United Nations

In a press conference held today in Geneva, the FJP, the Muslim Brotherhood's political wing, urged the UN to take a more active role in reversing the tide of repression

Revolutionary Council Youth: Death Sentences Will Not Intimidate Us

As an Egyptian court upholds execution of 9 young opponents of the coup regime, the Egyptian Revolutionary Council's youth vow victory for the Revolution and retribution for all oppressed Egyptians.

Annual Statistical Report of Violations against Egyptian University Students in 2014 – 2015

A rights report lists details of violations by military coup authorities in Egypt against university students in the academic year 2014-2015.

Sinai Armed Group Confirms Muslim Brotherhood Innocence of Violent Operations

An ISIS-affiliated armed group condemns Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood for taking the democratic transformation path, exonerating the Brotherhood.