Syrian Government


Ghozlan Condemns Houla Massacre, Urges World Governments for Effective Response

The whole world is shocked at yet another cold-blooded murderous act of terror by Assad’s regime in Syria, where over 108 children, elderly people and women have been bombed to

Syria Muslim Brotherhood Issues Post-Assad State-for-All Commitment Charter

The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood declares new Covenant that reassures world community that new post-Bashar Syria will be a State of justice and rule of law, equality, stability and peace.

Muslim Brotherhood Calls on Egyptian Authorities to Release Syrian Youth

While Assad’s heinous forces ravage their villages and towns, torture, rape and slaughter their families, Syrian youth are absurdly thrown into Egyptian prisons for protesting the atrocities.

Al-Bayoumi: The Syrian Revolution Will Triumph; World Support Essential

Dr. Rashad Al-Bayoumi, Deputy Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), assures international community that the Syrian revolution will succeed and prevail, and that the Syrian people will win their freedom,

Dr. Ghozlan Urges Global Protest Against Syrian Massacres; Demands Immediate Removal of Assad Regime

Brotherhood Media Spokesman pleads with international community for fast and effective action to halt Syrian massacres of innocent women and children perishing in droves at the hands of cold-blooded heinous

Syrian National Council Urges World Stop Genocide at Syrian Assad Hands

Harrowing reports from Syria tell of more horrific massacres, mass rapes and cold-blooded executions by Assad forces, with 50 women and children murdered in their homes in a tiny town

Katatni Presents 6-Point Initiative to Stop Assad Massacres in Syria

At the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU) Conference in Kuwait, Dr. Katatni said that the Arab Spring will re-draw the region’s maps, and that the revolution in Syria will surely achieve

Insight: As government-in-waiting, Egypt’s Brotherhood finds voice

(Reuters) - At the end of January, a guest speaker drew an unusually large audience of diplomats to the 33rd floor auditorium at the Egyptian Foreign Ministry headquarters in Cairo.

Freedom and Justice Party Presses Egypt to Submit Draft UN Resolution to Stop Bashar Massacres

With its demands for recall of the Egyptian Ambassador to Syria fulfilled, the FJP urges the government to take a more positive stance against inhuman massacres and bloody atrocities perpetrated

Ennahdha’s Statement of Solidarity with the Syrian People

As the Arab Spring continues, so does the persistence of the brave Syrian people in their struggle for freedom. The brutal Syrian regime's insistence on murder also continues as the