Syrian People


Brotherhood Demonstrations Support Syrian Revolution; Reject Iran, Hezbullah Interference

Egypt Muslim Brotherhood organizes several demonstration rallies in governorates across the country announcing full support for Syria’s revolution and rejection of foreign intervention.

Shura Presser Wednesday Rejects Hezbullah Interference in Syria as Threat to Regional Security

Egypt Upper House calls on Lebanon’s Hezbullah to leave Syria to its brave people and focus on its own resistance and defense of Lebanese territories.

Global Forum of Islamist Parliamentarians: Nasrallah’s Speech Most Provocative

Global Forum of Islamist Parliamentarians criticizes Hezbullah chief Nasrallah’s speech, in which he announced his organization’s commitment to all-out fight against the Syrian people.

Muslim Brotherhood Statement Condemns Hezbullah Involvement in Syria Massacres

Translation of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Statement on the tragic situation in Syria.

FJP: Both Assad and Israel are Occupiers, US Position Murky, Syrian People Will Triumph

Despite current difficulties, the people of Syria will be victorious and their enemies, inside and outside Syrian borders, will be vanquished.

Syria Muslim Brotherhood Calls for Arab and International Action Against Assad Massacres

As Assad forces systematically go through Syrian cities, towns and villages, slaughtering the elderly, women and children in violent and bloody massacres, the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria exhorts Arabs, Muslims

Shura Presser Tuesday Announces Resolutions and Recommendations on Syria, Palestine

Egypt Upper House holds special Syria, Palestine session Tuesday, followed by a press conference to declare resulting decisions and suggestions.

Freedom and Justice Party: Israeli Aggression Against Syria Must Be Urgently Addressed

Egypt Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing, the FJP, condemns Israeli violations of Syrian sovereignty whenever and however it wishes, and calls for an end to bloodshed in the country.

FJP Urges Arab and International Action to Stop Assad’sMassacres in Syria

As Assad massacres burn and slaughter women and children every day, the Syrian National Coalition condemns international community silence and the FJP’s Heshmat calls for urgent effective action.

Syria Brotherhood Seeks Broad Consensus

Muslim Brotherhood in Syria refutes claims of ‘Ikhwanization’; encourages all opposition parties to join in efforts to govern liberated areas.