

Tunisian Dictator Ben Ali dismisses government as riots mount

The Tunisian Dictator Ben Ali dissolved his government calling for early elections.

Will Tunis Succeed in Serving as Red Flag to Middle Eastern Regimes?

The witnessed unrest in Tunis serves as a startling red flag for repressive governments across the Middle East region who have continued to disregard warnings that maintaining stability through suppression

Deafening Western Silence as Tunisia’s Violence Escalates Despite Curfew

Amid worldwide silence Tunisia's capital, witnessed the killings of 4 citizens by army and police despite a dusk-to-dawn curfew. The army deployed armoured vehicles in the capital.

Why Is the West Turning a Blind Eye to Tunis’ Protest?

According to reliable sources a bus loaded with a number of government militia and a TV team was heading from Tunisia to Kasserine to carry out looting of private and

Muslim Brotherhood expert discusses Maghreb Salafism

Alaya Allani is a professor of contemporary history at the University of Manouba in Tunis and a specialist in political Islam.

Palestinians Need Change — Not Charades

Mahmoud Abbas should cut short his silly little melodrama, resign as he said he would, and pave the way for a needed revival of effective Palestinian national leadership, says Rami

Kaddoumi: Abbas is lying about his intention not to run for elections

Farouk Al-Kaddoumi, a senior Fatah leader, stated Saturday that Mahmoud Abbas is lying to the Palestinian people about his intention not to run for presidential elections, affirming that Abbas would

Oppression extinguished Tunisia’s light

After its independence in 1956, Tunisia was considered in several western capitals to be one of the most serious candidates for democracy. Its first president, Habib Bourguiba, invested far more