Turkish Government


Turkey’s Military Intervention in Syria

The Turkish government on Friday ordered its army to move into northern Syria .The announcement was made just two days before the country's general elections, as Syrians struggle desperately against

What options exist for Netanyahu next time on the high seas?

Richard Lightbown argues that whatever Israel does when the Mavi Marmara sets sail for Gaza on the first anniversary of the murder of aid workers by Israeli commandos aboard the

Prospects of constitutional reform in Turkey

Turkish politics is currently undergoing a heated political debate on the constitutional reform package (supported by Prime Minister Erdogan's ruling party), which is on its way to a referendum this

UN Fact-Finding Mission Says Israelis

The report of the fact-finding mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla released last week

Israel worried about consolidation of Erdoganism

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has privately voiced his government's worries about the consolidation of "Erdoganism" in Turkey following Sunday's referendum which gave Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan additional

Turkey adopts tough stance against Israel

The Turkish government has determined it will not send back an ambassador to Tel Aviv before Israel provides a member for a UN investigation into the incident

Turkey is determined to cut off relations with Israel

A Turkish newspaper said on Wednesday that Ankara will stop military cooperation with Israel and will not return its ambassador, who was recalled after the Freedom Flotilla massacre.

Stephen M. Walt: The Critic of My Friend is My Enemy

Last week Jim Lobe published a terrific piece at InterPress Service, detailing how prominent neoconservatives have switched from being strong supporters (and in some cases well-paid consultants) of the Turkish

European Jewish organizations blackmailing IHH

As usual the Jews assume the role of victim with their request to oppress Human Relief organizations

Embarrassed Israel spreads disinformation, lies, to justify flotilla massacre

Israel, embarrassed by its naval forces’ bloody interception of Gaza-bound ships carrying humanitarian relief materials for besieged Gazans, has been spreading disinformation and outright lies to justify the ostensible massacre.