war crimes


Rabaa Al-Adaweya Field Hospital Statement on Violent Storming of Facility by Armed Forces

In an attempt to destroy some of the massive physical evidence of their war crimes and savagery, heavily armed security forces stormed the field hospital and reportedly torched the whole

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Demanding End of Illegal Trials of Members by Gov’t

The acting Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Mr Maqbul Ahmed issued the following statement today explaining The reason why Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami is demanding the scrapping of the war crimes tribunals and

FJP Condemns Israeli Blocking of French Vessel Headed for Gaza

Freedom and Justice Party Secretary General Dr. Saad Katatny strongly criticised the Israeli naval forces which forcefully took over the French vessel Dignite al-Karama en route to Gaza to break

Flotilla Organizers Reject Greek Offer, Say: Abbas Stabbed Us in The Back

Freedom Flotilla II activists have completely rejected Greece’s offer to ship the flotilla’s humanitarian aid to Gaza through the Ashdod port in Israeli or El-Arish port in Egypt in full

Judge Richard Goldstone alters his verdict

Lawrence Davidson looks at the flawed logic and the tribal, personal and political pressures that may have led Richard Goldstone, the South African Jewish judge who authored the report of

The Goldstone Report: The Legacy of the Landmark Investigation of the Gaza Conflict

Henry Siegman recounts the controversy over the Goldstone Report in Israel and expands on the country's continued moral depravity.

Espionage, Assassination, War Crimes and Israel – WikiLeaks

No more than two percent of documents related to Israel have been released so far and any cables that mention Israel are automatically categorized as ‘sensitive’ as well as being

British MP: Tzipi Livni is a war criminal, daughter of a terrorist

When discussing before the House of Commons a change in British law that would ultimately harbor war criminals, MP Gerald Kaufman labeled former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni “the daughter

Jewish settlers cut down productive trees, burn sheep in Nablus villages

A gang of Jewish settlers were spotted late Friday night flocking into the village of Tel, south of the West Bank city of Nablus and cutting down fruit trees and

Wikileaks shocker: did Mahmoud Abbas know in advance about the devastating blitz on his countrymen

Stuart Littlewood scents the whiff of treason in the Wikileaks disclosure that Palestinian “President” Mahmoud Abbas had been forewarned by Israel about its planned onslaught on Gaza and had failed