War Criminals


Ehud Barak to arrive to France, French activists threaten to sue him

The French peace activists, who participated in the fleet of freedom aid convoy, plan to sue Israel in the International Court of Justice for committing a "war crime" aggression against

The Litmus Test for the Legality of Iraq War

The future generation of Iraqis may see that the British population have a heart, not just the millions who marched against the war, but the vast majority disagree with this

Israel, Turkey and Low Seats

Last week a small crisis with potentially serious implications blew up between Israel and Turkey. Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon summoned Turkish Ambassador to Israel Ahmet Oguz Celikkol to

Britain Must Not Become A Safe Haven For War Criminals

We are shocked at suggestions by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office minister Ivan Lewis and foreign secretary David Miliband that Britain may consider changing its laws to avoid any future

Israel’s ambassador to Turkey scolded for humiliating Celikkol

ISTANBUL, (PIC)-- The Turkish ministry of foreign affairs summoned Tuesday the Israeli ambassador to protest the reprimand meeting held yesterday by deputy foreign ministry Daniel Ayalon with the intention to

Get the war criminals arrested now

The recent arrest warrant issued in London for former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is more than justified.

Afghan demonstrators call for trial of “war criminals”

KABUL, Dec. 10 (Xinhua) -- Some 300 Afghans including women gathered in a street close to the office of United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) Thursday and called for

Obama Wins the Nobel Peace Prize. Is This a Joke?

So what are the odds? The week I write a cover story for the New Statesman, arguing that President Obama has turned into "Barack W Bush" and is emulating his

We are all war criminals

Our nation is still recovering from the November 5, 2009, shootings at Ft. Hood in Killeen, Texas. We are waiting for some sense of normalcy to return after such a

A criminal state that must be isolated, boycotted

The Goldstone report recommended that Israel immediately start a serious investigation into the Gaza war crime. However, it is amply clear that this recommendation carries with it a great deal