Western Media


Egyptian Uprising overthrows its Zionist Master

At the start of the Egyptian uprising western public opinion responded positively to the mostly young, middle class, people who took to the streets demanding greater political freedoms which many

Egypt Revolution – Faith or Economics?

Western analysts and media outlets are deciding whether Egypt 's uprising is a secular demand for democracy, which they would support, or a religious revolution that they believe should be

Tunisia – the people’s revolution

Yvonne Ridley comments on the British media’s lopsided coverage of the uprising in Tunisia – devoting airtime to the inconvenience caused to UK tourists and focusing on the role of

Deafening Western Silence as Tunisia’s Violence Escalates Despite Curfew

Amid worldwide silence Tunisia's capital, witnessed the killings of 4 citizens by army and police despite a dusk-to-dawn curfew. The army deployed armoured vehicles in the capital.

Chickens come home to roost: US technology goes to North Korea via Israel and China

Paul J. Balles views the latest breed of chickens that may come home to roost in the USA: American military technology given to Israel courtesy of US tax dollars, sold

Connecting the Zionist dots: roots of Zionist domination of Britain and the United States

Gilad Atzmon views the historical and cultural roots of Zionist domination of Western politics, especially in Britain and the United States, tracing the Israel stooges’ tools of choice – political

PRC Action Alert: Direct Bias showed on BBC on Flotilla crime

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) expressed its deep apprehension and anger over the BBC coverage regarding freedom Flotilla.

Delusions and illusions of press freedom

Paul J. Balles compares China’s open control of the press with the “lies under pretence of freedom” of the Western media under the control of special interests, especially the Israel

Even the New York Times doesn’t believe Netanyahu

Alan Hart urges the New York Times to focus on how the logic of Zionism will manifest itself in Israeli policy: a new round of ethnic cleansing, “provoking an all-out

Muslim women wage jihad against violence

International Women’s Day on 8 March provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the work women are doing to combat gender inequality. Violence and inequality affect women around the world,