

Israel – No More the Victim

Playing the beleaguered vulnerable victim in the Middle East may not work much longer for Israel , as the amount of high-tech weapons in their possession continues to increase to

Egyptian Uprising overthrows its Zionist Master

At the start of the Egyptian uprising western public opinion responded positively to the mostly young, middle class, people who took to the streets demanding greater political freedoms which many

Egypt – Where to Now?

The White House is negotiating with officials surrounding the Egyptian president concerning the plan to install a transitional government run by Suleiman, and supported by the Egyptian military.

Tunisian Revolution Shakes and Inspires Middle East

Every state and movement in the Middle East is reading into the events in Tunisia its own anxieties and aspirations

In Tunisia, An Unfinished Revolt

Seemingly half of the Tunisian business community can claim a Ben Ali connection through marriage, and many of these relations are reported to have made the most of their lineage.

Message from Tunisia

In the dramatic events happening in Tunisia and the Arab world, the role of media technology in political mobilization should not be underestimated. But nor should the prophetic voices of

Grains of sand: perspectives on roles of Israel and USA in Middle East

Paul J. Balles highlights six writers whose work in the alternative media has brought important perspectives to one major issue: Israel and the role of America in the Middle East.

Tunisia – the people’s revolution

Yvonne Ridley comments on the British media’s lopsided coverage of the uprising in Tunisia – devoting airtime to the inconvenience caused to UK tourists and focusing on the role of

Arab Democracy Now!

The campaign against dictatorship in the Arab world has brought together some strange bedfellows.

WikiLeaks Helps Overthrow Dictator in Tunisia

For the first time in history, an Arab dictator has been overthrown by a popular revolution. On Saturday, January 15, Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was forced to