Women’s Rights


Freedom and Justice Party Statement on the International Women’s Day

Dr. Morsi, Chairman of the Freedom and Justice party, vows support for women’s rights, equality and social justice, and hopes for their positive participation in urgent rejuvenation of modern Egypt.

Confessions of a hijabi

I watched the Bollywood film My Name is Khan the other day. The brilliant depiction of an autistic person by India’s leading actor Shah Rukh Khan and director Karan Johar’s

After Cairo: From the Vision of the Cairo Speech to Active Support for Human Dignity.

The election of President Obama offers a genuine opportunity to repair the badly damaged image of the United States in the Middle East.

Egyptian government, NGOs duke it out in Geneva over women’s rights

CAIRO: The Egyptian Government, represented by the National Council for Women, in Geneva last Friday,

Bastion of Impunity, Mirage of Reform

Today the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies released its second annual report on the state of human rights in the Arab world for the year 2009.

Egypt: Women’s Rights and Violence

As part off the Stop Violence Against Women campaign, Bikya Masr has published a series of articles discussing the continuing struggle to protect women and secure their rights in Egypt