

Hundreds of Israeli settlers desecrate Ishaq’s tomb in the Ibrahimi Mosque

Close to 150 fanatic Israeli settlers have stormed Friday the Muslim sacred Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-Khalil city, south of the West Bank, and desecrated the tomb of Prophet Ishaq peace

Jewish settler set Palestinian lands on fire

A group of about 60 fanatic Jewish settlers gathered on Monday near the villages of Jit and Imatin, near the northern West Bank city of Nablus, and set Palestinian agricultural

The Boycott Revisited

The people of Sodom, the Bible tells us, were very wicked indeed. They had a nasty habit of putting every passing stranger into one particular bed. If the stranger was

Morsy: MB Never Exercised Violence And Always Condemned it, No Relation with Al-Qaeda

Morsy has issued his statement in response to a research paper issued by Jamestown Think Tank about the Muslim Brotherhood. Morsy called on all western researchers interested in Islamic movements

MB Demands Nations Intervene to Solve Palestinian Crisis

Muslim Brotherhood (MB) chairman, Mohamed Mahdi Akef demanded Arab and Islamic countries to immediately intervene to rescue the Palestinian people and solve the current crisis between Fatah and Hamas .