- Activites
- November 3, 2008
- 3 minutes read
The 5th NDP Convention Proves NDP Disassociation & Failure

The ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) commenced its fifth annual convention last Saturday by violent attacks against the Egyptian opposition trends.
Throughout the speech delivered by Safwat El Sheriff (Secretary General of the NDP), Zachariah Azmi (Assistant Secretary General for Organization and Membership Affairs), and Ahmad Ezz who severely attacked the opposition and threatened of fierce campaign to dismantle them; “We”ll go on attacking them while we remain strong,” added Ezz. Further, during the convention”s second day, Gamal Mubarak accused the opposition and said they want Egypt to be 40 years backward.
In a statement to Ikhwanweb, Dr. Nadir El Fergani (expert of the Arab Human Development reports) asserted that the NDP officials- led sharp attack against the opposition conceals the issues relating to the Internal and External NDP, as he said.
He indicated that the NDP suffers from a catastrophic internal conflict crisis. He added that the absence of the clear achievements of the party denoted the failure of such a party leading its officials to attacks while calling the opposition for objective dialogues. “Nothing beneficial will come out of the convention; if they have anything new, they would focus on instead of attacking opposition trends,” added El Fergani.
During a statement to Ikhwanweb, Kamal Khalil (leftist cadre) criticized the NDP and accused it of usurping and attacking the people prior attacking the opposition.
He confirmed that the NDP is nothing but the same figures the people get used to seeing without lending a helping hand to the people and called for the unity of the opposition trends.
Dr. Magdi Qarqar (Assistant Secretary General of the Labor Party) told Ikhwanweb that attacking the opposition confirmed that the country is still being ruled by 60- year mentalities without any change or development; since the ruling system is an autocratic regime that monopolizes and usurps the authority.
He indicated that only the ruling mottoes were changed from the national union to the socialist union and recently to the NDP. He added he ignores the convention because it is the stereotype of previous ones.
The existence of the NDP in command is a burden over the country”s future; such a country has been suffering from poverty, backwardness, corruption, and catastrophes since the rule of the NDP. The NDP found no way out of such a status quo but attacking the opposition to conceal its failure.