- Human RightsPrisoners of Conscience
- July 23, 2009
- 3 minutes read
The Administration of Al-Marg Prison Continues its insurgence against MB Detainees

Despite the threat of the nine Muslim Brotherhood detainees to go on an open hunger strike and abstain from attending the investigations carried out by the Prosecution in protest against the the arbitrary actions of the administration of Al-Marg prison, this arbitration did not stop after it refused the entry of the refrigerator donated by the Medical Association to the MB detainees. This made all food received by the families of the detainees became rotten.
Not only that, it also imposed restrictions on the entry of Insulin for those detainees who suffer from diabetes, as well as completely refusing its teams” entry many times. This, endangers their lives.
This strike was a reaction to the ill-treatment the MB detainees have received in Al-Marg Prison and they stressed that the administration of the prison deliberately keeps them in a single and isolated cell located at the end of the prison in order to prevent them from mixing with anyone else. The detainees also stressed that the administration has reduced the number of hours they have to go out in the prison from eight hours to two hours daily. They allow criminals to leave their cells from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, while MB detainees have only the time between 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
They have also been prevented from drinking cold water, despite the hot weather in Egypt and the prison is preventing the barber from going to them, in addition to reducing the time of visit from three hours to half an hour from MB detainees while allowing three-hours time visits for criminals and murderers.
Not only the MB detainees were are having restrictions imposed on them, but their family members as well are kept from seeing them immediately. They are forced to wait more than two hours, outside under the burning sun and are searched by prison guards before being allowed inside.
MB Detainees:
– Dr. Gamal Abdel Salam (Director of Relief and Emergency Committee at the Arab Doctors Federation)
– Reda Fahmy (Businessman, North Cairo)
– Abdel Rahman El-Gamal (Gharbeya – Ministry of Education)
– Ali El-Hadidi (Veterinarian – Port Said)
– Dr. Ashraf Abdel Ghaffar (Vice Secretary-General of the Medical Association and member of the Human Relief Agency)
– Khaled El-Sayed El-Beltagi (Cairo)
– Adel Abdel Rahim Afifi (Giza)
– Mohamed Taha Wahdan (Prof. İn the Faculty of Agriculutre-Ismailia)
– Eng. Ahmed Abbas