The Committee for Opinion-related Prisoners Demand Dr. El-Brinse to be Released

The Committee for Opinion-related Prisoners Demand Dr. El-Brinse to be Released
Ikhwan Online

By Yasser Hady
The Committee for opinion-related prisoners called the human right organizations and the free, independent officials for helping Dr. Hansen El-Brinse, a professor in Medicine School at Alexandra University, to be released as soon as possible.


In its statement released on 2992005, the committee condemned the arrest of Dr. El-Brinse upon his arrival from a scientific trip in Saudi Arabian universities, on 2982005. Dr. El-Brinse is an Arab expert in medical scanners. He is entitled to train in using the medical scanners in many Arab and Asian universities. In addition, he is a prominent member in Moslem Brotherhood in Alexandra.

 The committee denounced the approach of his detention. He was taken to the Security State Department in Alexandra where he was detained till the morning. Then he was transferred to the headquarters of the Supreme Prosecution of the State Security in Cairo. The General Prosecutor conducted an investigation with him related to his opinions and thoughts. After that, he was driven to Tora Prison.

 The committed added that this is the typical manner used with political opposing figures; to be driven to the Supreme Prosecution of the State Security in Cairo, to be questioned about one’s opinions and thoughts, then to be unjustifiably detained pending further investigation.

The detention is automatically renewed without a maximum term. The length of this term is determined by State Security Department.