- FJP News
- June 1, 2011
- 8 minutes read
The Founding Statement of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP)

In the spirit of the January 25 Revolution made by the great Egyptian people and guarded by the courageous Egyptian army; the revolution that opened the horizon for bright hope for this country to shift towards freedom, democracy, justice and full human rights, our “Freedom and Justice Party” – being inspired in its programs and mechanisms by the demands of this great revolution, while seeking the achievement of the sublime objectives of this revolution – states that it aims at building, first of all, the Egyptian patriotic and committed citizen; the one who sacrifices for the cause of this homeland and adheres to the principles, values and ethics of the divine revealed religions.
We are working to rebuild state institutions on the basis of a strong and sound commitment to the will of the free Egyptian people, including the institution of the presidency, the government, parliament and local councils, and we work to establish institutions of civil society; trade unions, public groups, associations and human rights organizations to enhance the unity of the national fabric and induce a united coherent and solid fusion within the community. We aspire to get everyone in the nation working as part of a team, seeking to achieve the hopes and goals of Egypt in the battle of renaissance and construction.
We also stress the need that the Egyptian people should be the ones who draft the Egyptian Constitution, in a way that reflects the identity and will of the nation, so as to provide – through this Constitution – freedom and dignity for the nation, affirming the sovereignty of the people and national unity. It should be a constitution that supports the equality of all people in all rights and duties, adhering to respect for pluralism and diversity, emphasizing the devolution of power and freedom of political parties, ensuring freedom of information and expression, freedom of belief and worship, the right to work, the right to ownership and property, and freedom to travel and movement. It should be a constitution that aims at equitable distribution of wealth and the achievement of social justice for all citizens by ensuring at least an adequate income for all people, and ensuring the integrity of elections, determining the powers and duties, the duration of the mandate of the presidency and how to hold the president and his ministers accountable. It should be a constitution that achieves and strengthens the independence of the judiciary and the consolidation of the principle of separation of powers.
We also confirm our deep belief in the need to state in the Constitution that Islam is the official religion of the state, Arabic is the official state language and that the principles of Islamic Sharia are the main source of legislation, and thus, the application of Sharia in all walks of life; as it is the source of wisdom and divine mercy, and as a response to the demands of the majority of the Egyptian people who believe that the Sharia is the best method to ensure the reformation of the conditions of our society that will lead it to happiness and progress, as well as guaranteeing the rights of our fellow Christians and their freedom of belief and worship according to their laws and rules, in addition to safeguarding their litigation through Christian laws and rules in their private affairs.
Our party asserts that Egypt is a civil state with an Islamic reference. Our party believes in the liberalization of the Egyptian national will, the political independence of the decision-making process and dealing with external international powers on the basis of mutual respect; and we state that such trends cannot be relinquished. We also emphasize our respect for all agreements, treaties and international conventions, which call for world peace that are based on justice and prohibit interference in the internal affairs of other states, as well as recognizing the rights of the people of all nations to self-determination and their independence in addition to preserving basic human rights. We are working to restore Egypt’s leading role on the Arab, Islamic and African arenas, and we believe that the Egyptian people are part of the Arab nation, acting to achieve the comprehensive unity of this nation through peaceful progressive means by the free will of the Arab people.
We believe that the protection of Egyptian national security is a necessity of life, which stipulates consolidating the unity of the national fabric, achieving justice among all citizens, achieving comprehensive development in various aspects of the Egyptian economy and enhancing urban development, political reform, the redistribution of population to low density areas; particularly the Sinai Peninsula, as well as acting for the reconstruction of Sinai and the investment of its resources, securing the sources of the Nile to ensure Egyptian rights in the river waters, the establishment of relations on the bases of complimentary transactions with the Nile Basin countries, initiating closer ties and removing all barriers between Egypt and the Sudan; as Sudan is the strategic depth to Egypt, and given the vast natural wealth of Sudan, on a path that will finally reach the full unity of the Nile Valley.
Our party also believes in acting for the development of the basic strategic industries as a base for our military industries, and supporting the Egyptian army on both the human resources and the armament levels; to ensure a strong national army capable of providing deterrence, as well as protection and security for Egypt. We believe that education and scientific research are the tools of progress, development and promotion of the nation; therefore, the nation must put the issue of education and scientific research at the forefront of its national priorities because the nations that lag behind in education and scientific research tend to deteriorate and fall in great danger.
We believe in the right of every citizen for decent health services through the support of public hospitals to provide excellent medical service. We emphasize that internal security is necessary for life itself, securing the activities of all kinds and the continuity of the community. Therefore, we emphasize that it is necessary to focus on the police force as a civilian body, as well as the rehabilitation of this device, the development of the curriculum of the police college and enhancing study by introducing and highlighting human rights and respect for the rule of law, in addition to raising the salaries of police personnel to ensure them a dignified life.
We also believe that Al-Azhar should occupy its due position as a principal guide for the people of the Muslim world. Al-Azhar is to be the best ambassador, representing Egypt and aiming to strengthen relations with Muslim peoples and their governments so as to support positive cooperation on all levels. We also affirm supporting the spiritual authority of the Orthodox Church as it outreaches and communicates with Christian African countries; so as to achieve common interests with the peoples and governments of these nations.
Purging Egypt of corruption and its effects is a must. It is elementary to rebuild this nation in preparation for its renaissance and to fulfill the heavy task lying ahead, acknowledging that there will be many risks and serious hazards that require the dedication of the hearts, the purification of the souls, unleashing the capacities of the minds, uniting people’s efforts and calling all parties and national forces to work together. It is a task that calls for the people who would not hesitate to sacrifice and bear the burdens because conditions in the current circumstances do not call for the collection of personal benefits and gains, but rather sacrificing and giving for the sake of Egypt and its people. Therefore, our party calls for all political forces to agree on the basic principles as well as higher national interests. If some of them insisted on providing some points of disagreement and highlighting them over those with which we agree, this would be accepted as long as it is within the framework of honest and tolerant national and humanist affiliation while upholding the core principles, values ?and ethics of our homeland. We pray to Allah to help us and reconcile all the elements of the political spectrum towards the greater benefit of Egypt and the Egyptian people and achieving their goals and those of our glorious revolution.