- Palestine
- September 16, 2009
- 3 minutes read
The Holocaust Memorial Museum: an establishment which defeated its purpose; or not.

A trip to the museum is always an enlightening and educating experience for one and all where history comes alive simply by walking into the building and looking through different glassed in showcases of a long gone era of long gone people. It is where one learns to appreciate the life he has now and to learn to enjoy today for what it is; because it is a gift that is why it is called the present. One such place designed for culturing is the Holocaust Memorial Museum in New York established in commemoration of the victims of the Jews by Nazis oppression. The museum shows the after effects of the aggression in an attempt to teach people to acknowledge and understand peace, harmony, tolerance and co-existence.
Visiting the museum one wonders what lessons were actually learnt since the examples of massacres and slaughters demonstrated behind the showcase seem to be a replica of what is actually taking place in the occupied territories in Palestine; moreover, the irony is that the people who were once innocent are practicing the heartless crimes on the innocent Palestinians. Crimes which seem to be endorsed by the American policy which has been active for some time through the financial and political support and the protection by the UN council. One can not help but wonder who is responsible for these crimes and what will it take for them to cease? Is the founding of the museum such a good idea since it is obvious that nothing was taught hence nothing was learnt thus defeating the purpose where freedom should be appreciated not violated?
A superpower like America should be able to use its influence in promoting peace and justice and oppose racism of any ethnic people where differences prevail. It should be able to interfere in the so called attacks by the Israeli occupiers which is taking its toll on the innocent Palestinian people who are killed simply for resisting the occupying of their usurped lands. The museum seems to have taught the wrong lesson where people should learn from the mistakes of others not repeat them. The issue brought forward is to educate them that violence is wrong, and this is clearly illustrated in all the divine religions where the lesson learnt should be that peace prevails since Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, by quietly building new structures. Peace cannot be achieved through violence; it can only be attained through understanding a peace that is necessary for a superpower like America to enforce.
If the Jews believe they were oppressed victims then surely they should understand not to act as Nazi Criminals they should be the first to understand the heartache and suffering and seek to eliminate the hate process and to teach the new generations that what the Holocaust Museum has demonstrated is something which is deplorable and not tolerated and that they should do as they would be done by not endorse hatred. If it is true and they have suffered then truly they should be the first to raise the banners that Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.