- Palestine
- May 16, 2008
- 6 minutes read
The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza
Attached are two files (pdf and powerpoint) for a slideshow prepared by Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations about the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza Strip in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. All the included data is based on the United Nation”s (UN) Office of Coordination for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports.
The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza
PDF (file size ~ 5 MB)
Al-Zaytouna Selections:
slideshow>>The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza
Report>>Selected UN Reports on the Humanitarian Crisis in
Gaza Strip (Dec 07-Jan 08
Study>>The Role of Think Tanks in U.S. Foreign Policy
Report>>A Socio-economic Profile of the Nahr El-Bared and Beddawi Refugee Camps of Lebanon
Study>>West Bank & Gaza: Economic Developments in 2006 – A First Assessment
Conference>>Resolution of the Conference on War, Imperialism and Resistance in West Asia – New Delhi, 12th-14th March
Article>>Our Unity Can Now Pave the Way for Peace and
Justice, by Khaled Mish”al
Report Summary>>The Executive Summary Of the Palestinian Strategic Report For Year 2005