- February 4, 2006
- 2 minutes read
The NDP’s Changes Service Aspirants to Presidency
Essam el-Arian, a prominent leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, asserted that the new arrangements made by the ruling National Democratic Party, after its poor showing in the parliamentary elections, do not mark genuine inner restructure. Likely, it is designated to push new faces, toped by Gamal Mubark and the businessman Ahmed Aiz.
’Political observers collectively agree that the new reorganization of the NDP aims to promote Gamal Mubark to the top post, retaining at the same time the secretariat of the party’s Political Committee,’ el-Arian told Ikhwan online.
’The second remarkable change is the nomination of Ahmed Aiz for the NDP’s secretariat while other changes are mere forms of reorder. Accordingly, these inner reforms do not meet the speculations of applying tangible reform that enables the NDP to contest fairly’, el-Arian said. He hinted that the NDP’s reform is essential to attain real reform of the country since it is the party which rules all state branches,’ he added.
The NDP’s restructure turns it into a medium of helping aspirants to presidency; in stead of meeting the popular needs or fostering a particular ideology, el-Arian said.
’I do not figure out a difference in policies of the old and new guards of the NDP. I see only businessmen seekers for ministerial posts and for carrying out the American agenda. The existing state of garbing both the political and legislative posts in hands of the possessors of banks and economical institutions will lead the country to a catastrophe,’ el-Arian remarked.