The Price of democracy

The late Palestinian elections took place last year faded away the shades of the type of democracy that United States of America, and to some extent Europe, definitely wishes to prevail in the Arab region. It is far from clear now, when it comes to this part of the world, there would be no concept that is celebrated so much in the abstract and observed so little in reality as Democracy.

It flouts prudence to deny that the unjust economic siege on the Palestinian territories by the United States and its allies, accompanied with the severe requirements that burdened the Palestinian government by the Quartet, would utterly crush the benign conception of democracy in the region. Almost all Arab countries are ruled by tyrannical regimes, where democratically practicing politics is some sort of luxury to an average Arabian citizen who is, yet yearns to, almost certain of the cruel direct consequences of merely urging for a verbal application of such process.

Punishing Palestinians for their democratically choices is the strongest indication of the wide-spread belief among Arabs that there is no easy access to regular practice free well but through the Americans gates. Freedom, Liberty, and Democracy are nothing but imported values. Therefore, we cannot enjoy practicing any of those concepts by adjusting it to our needs, culture and identity unless we fully submit to our superiors mandates, for deploying theses values is one way oriented, literary to the west, and should be narrowly tailored to its demands.

We stand as witnesses to a significant moment in history. A moment where the emperor of evil knocks the last nails in the coffin of democracy. In this twentieth one century, we stand to watch the burial ceremony for the human dignity. It does not worth a dime s of difference between vigorously supporting an armed overthrow in some country and denying people s right to be governed by their own elected representatives.

Ironically, the quartet asks an unrecognizable political party to recognize the enemy of its people, in other words to step side the will of their fellows, and to abrogate its own reason to exist, namely the right to resist, simply put, they asked them to commit a political suicide.

However, this unprecedented coup against democracy still has, to our surprise, its own virtues. First, it clearly reveals the indoor stupid leaches who are fully enrolled, by their knowledge or almost by their idiocy, in the U.S.-Israeli agenda. By going in a strike after a strike, they are sending a message to the whole world that we are nothing but some jerks that run after piece of bread. Actually I doubt if there was any message at all ought to be delivered by these strikes, for to any public movement there should be some ultimate objective to be achieved, in this case I found nothing but to urge the Palestinian government to succumb to the unjust international demands.

Secondly, it sheds the light on the type and extent of autonomy the global imperialism would definitely provide the people of this region to have and exercise. You are free inside borders that have been drawn in advance to you, you completely control your resources as long as this would not conflict with their interests, and you could enlarge your weapons arsenal as much as you want provided that there is no bullet that is directed to Tel Aviv.

Finally, it shows that there is no getting around the inescapable fact that Palestinian Authority is nothing but mutilated, malformed shape of a government. Its existence is at odds of the long term benefit of its people, for our destiny is literary nothing but never ending fight the occupation. We can never seek independence at all as long as we are not able to feed our children, West Bank and Gaza Strip if fully liberated, for the sake of the argument, would never stand in this world as a state that could have its own natural resources. To illustrate, the developing programs, the fully foreign aided projects, and this typically donation based economic could not by any mean grant to build any sort of autonomy. Geographic, economic facts and history are all but evidence to this assumption.

It is our inevitable fate to be in the front line fighting the existence of this cancerous body which forcibly implanted in our land. It is unless we admit the fact that the Arab-Israeli conflict is ought to be an ongoing quarrel that would last to the point that one part could wipe off the other, we would never perceive the necessarily methodology to realize our commitments to be firmly hold and our definite objectives to be consistently achieved, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
*[email protected]