Thousands of Egyptians Demonstrate for Saving Gaza

Thousands of Egyptians Demonstrate for Saving Gaza

Over ten thousand Egyptians from different political and national forces demonstrated on Monday afternoon before Press Syndicate in central Cairo, against brutal Israeli aggression on the Palestinian people.

This brutal aggression on the Palestinian people came amid Arab and international silence and inaction towards crimes committed against the people of Gaza who are exposed to a truculent war described by commentators as a Third Holocaust.

Many Egyptian party leaders and political forces, including chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Mohamed Mahdi Akef and tens of MPs such as Hamdeen Sabahi, Magdi Karkar and Magdi Hussein participated in the stand.

In his speech during the protest, Mohamed Mahdi Akef asked the Egyptian people to react immediately to save the besieged Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip from the hands of the Zionist terrorism, and from the conspiracy which he described as “a mean act” by Arab rulers as they colluded with the Zionist entity.

Akef, in his speech, re-demanded to continue to alert people to use all available peaceful means, and saluted the Palestinian people, especially those who are besieged in Gaza on their steadfastness.

Akef also condemned the suspicious silence of the international community towards what is going on in Gaza, and accused it of being connived with the Zionist entity.

He also called for stopping exporting gas to Israel and ending all the relations with the Zionist entity.

Other speeches called for stopping aggression, continuing peaceful protests and ending all relations with the Zionist entity.

The demonstrators repeated slogans denouncing the Holocaust committed by the Zionists on the land of Palestine.