- IslamophobiaOther Opinions
- September 11, 2010
- 5 minutes read
To Burn or Not To Burn
Pastor Terry Jones has triggered widespread fury & uneasyness after announcing his plans to burn the Quran on 9/11 have been called off, but soon after, called it back on again.
In an interview today, September 9, 2010 on Good Morning America, Jones confirmed, after an alleged deal involving the moving of the location of the proposed Islamic cultural center in New York fell through, he & his group are now back to ‘square one’.
At a press conference, Jones had indicated he was only agreeing to terminate the Quran burning event after Muslim imams, Mohamed Musri & Feisal Abdul Rauf, allegedly, ‘struck a deal’ with him that the proposed Islamic center would be moved to another site. However, both imam Musri & Feisal Abdul Rauf denied any such deals taking place with the Pastor.
In response to this bizaar accusation, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf made this statement; “I am glad that Pastor Jones has decided to cancel the Quran burning event. However, neither I, nor Imam Musri (of Florida) have spoken to Pastor Jones. I am surprised by this announcement. We are not going to toy with our religion or any other. Nor are we going to barter. We are here to extend our hands to build peace and harmony.”
Pastor Jones, soon after, responded that the Quran burning event was only being suspended, pending a confirmation that the mosque would not be built near Ground Zero.
This ridiculously childish behavior and utter bizaar situation still did not recieve any immediate attention or concern from either local or national law enforcement, whatsoever. This taunting and wreckless behavior is percieved & analyzed by a ‘magnifying glass’, globally, that should no longer be dismissed or neglected by US national security.
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