To release or not to release

To release or not to release

This is the burning question now facing Muslim Brotherhood members currently languishing in jails across Egypt.

Court orders in Cairo viewed and postponed the filed cases in which the MB defense lawyers challenged the decisions made by the Attorney General to prolong the detention of detainees despite acquittals passed recently.

The defense lawyer for the movement, Abdul Moneim Abdul Maqsoud, asserted that the "the detainees have in fact completed three quarters of their sentence and not only were entitled to their release according to law but were also acquitted more than once, and this is in violation to the constitution where the charter stipulates that No one should be tried for an offense for which they have already been acquitted."

The appeals, which were postponed until October 10, concern the following detainees:

Dr Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud Abou Zeid

Eng. Ayman Ahmad Abdul Ghany

Fatthy Mohamed Baghdady Ali

Eng. Medhat Alhaddad

Appeals which were postponed until October 12:

Dr Farid Ali Ahmed Galbat

Essam Abdul Mohsen Affify Mohamed