Top Islamist: Don’t Prejudge Siniora’s Gov’t

In a statement released on Nov. 15, 2006, Lebanese Islamist thinker and Chairman of the Islamic Action Front, Fatehi Yakan, expressed his deep sorrow over the failure of the inter-Lebanese dialogue which was aiming to form a national unity government.

The Chairman of the Islamic Action Front (the Lebanon chapter of Muslim Brotherhood) called on leaders of Hizbullah and Amal parties and other political powers not to judge the government headed by Fuad Siniora without giving it a chance to exercise its authority, said the statement- a copy of which was obtained by Ikhwanweb. He pointed out that those concerned with Lebanon’s safety and integrity should give top priority to safeguarding the country against political chaos or sectarian sedition, warning that a spur of the moment step from any party or group could lead the country to the unknown, locally, regionally and internationally. He also warned parties and political groups against taking to streets to express their political opinions, pointing out that this will give way to numerous chaotic organizations and mafias to fish in the troubled water and cause limitless repercussions, citing the disastrous state of affairs in Iraq. Rather, he called on all parties to adopt the way of dialogue, regarding it as the only alternative to get out of the dark tunnel. He also called for resolving the Lebanese cases through the national judiciary, and maintaining the UNIFIL as a peace keeping force, apparently opposing the European states which seek to use the UNIFEL to disarm  the Hezbollah- led resistance. He warned that changing the mission of the peacekeeping force or sending Lebanese cases to international tribunals could doom the country to turmoil.