Torture Me If You Can

People who can smell a conspiracy theory in the headlines we read in the papers and the reports we see on TV know how rewarding it feels to unveil the truth or atleast try. Its similar to the rush war-junkie journalists get when they dodge bullets in the name of journalism or self realization or whatever!

The cosmo-stink of the Egyptian police’s ill-treatment of prisoners and suspects under arrest reeks today more than ever. When you type Egyptian Police on the search on You Tube you will see a taste of the brutality that takes place in Egyptian police stations. Sure, similar degrading of humanity takes place in many countries but I think the Egyptian authorities do it best!

Let me share with you a taste of the higher level of torture that takes place in Egyptian mukhabarat interrogation headquarters or in detention centers. Their favorite method of torture is known as “The Bride” where the prisoner would be strapped to an iron board then zapped with electricity until he confesses. Many do, regardless of the truth to escape the pain then of course the media eats it all up and the government boasts about their continuous success in fighting terrorism!

I have been on both sides of the bars as a prisoner and lately as a prison delegate for a humanitarian organization that specializes in reporting the status of detainees. Luckily for me, not all detainees are tortured but the interrogators purposely imprison those luckier one’s in cells adjacent to the cell of the prisoners being electrocuted so as to cut to the chase and break them psychologically. The screams resonate and bounce off the walls for hours!! ” The Bride” does not know the difference between murderers, political writers, money launderers, drug dealers or terrorists. No one knows if he is going to get lucky with her for the night!

It is all a show, more political drama with subliminal messages. Another example would be my favorite; The so-called Devil Worshippers case in Egypt in 1997. The secret police dressed in plain cloth stormed in at dawn into the houses of hundreds of teenagers who were nothing but harmless stoners and Jim Morrison fans, who happened to enjoy the punk look or the all black Metallica rebel attire. They were arrested and charged with blasphemy and labeled as “devil worshippers.” Some media ate it up and the police let the journalists into the cells with their cameras and notepads to see the suspects behind bars with their shaved heads (free government haircut). The interrogations were already mind boggling and terrifying to the so-called “devil worshippers” and to add to the injury, they were purposely imprisoned in cells adjacent to the Muslim Brotherhood fundamentalist detainees who didn’t let a moment go without yelling derogatory skull-cracking threats at the boys and girls who became guilty and publicly humiliated the moment they were arrested.

The Egyptian public woke up happy that the government was on top of things. The headlines praised the government and the marshall law while the real three devil worshippers targeted by this whole campaign were laughing in Morocoo and Saudi Arabia!

Two of the three informers trying to locate the three “real” devil worshippers were sent on a paid vacation government trip to South Africa while the the third informer was planted in jail between the so-called “devil worshippers” so that he could try and collect any usefull information about the case!

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Related links:

El-Adly Video Gate
Hossam el-Hamalawy, 3arabawy – Cairo, Egypt
Who Stands behind torture in Egypt ?
El-Saeed Ramadan, Ikhwanweb – Cairo, Egypt
More videos of Egyptian police brutality
Hossam el-Hamalawy, 3arabawy – Cairo, Egypt
Boulaq torturers to be tried 9 January
Hossam el-Hamalawy, 3arabawy – Cairo, Egypt

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