Turkish demo in front of Azerbaijan consulate protesting Peres visit

Turkish demo in front of Azerbaijan consulate protesting Peres visit

A group of Turkish activists on Sunday demonstrated in front of the Azerbaijan consulate in Istanbul to protest the visit by Israeli president Shimon Peres to Baku.


Turkish writer Ahmet Farul said in a statement at the demo that Israel”s popularity was dwindling worldwide, and its ugly image was exposed before the world as a result of its latest war on Gaza.


He underlined that the Azeri government”s invitation to Peres was allowing Israel to refurbish its image and reactivate its diplomacy.


The short history of Israel is full of massacres and aggression but still it could break the Islamic world”s isolation due to the “treachery” of certain governments, which do not represent their Islamic peoples, Farul said.


Other speakers called on the Islamic countries to unite their lines against the Israeli aggressive policies.


Demonstrators laid a black wreath at the outside gate of the Azeri consulate at the end of the rally.