- Obama
- June 16, 2009
- 4 minutes read
U.S. Jews Latest Group To Seriously Question Their Support Of Barack Obama
It appears the U.S. Jewish community, like many other groups of people in this country, have begun to wake up to the fact that the product they ordered when they voted for Barack Obama on November 4, 2008 is a completely different animal than the one that popped out of the package the UPS guy dropped off on January 21, 2009.
Certainly the angst towards Obama exhibited by Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, could not have been assuaged with recent comments offered by the president’s former pastor of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, who derogatorily proclaimed it was those Jews who were controlling the president when it came to world affairs and were responsible for preventing him from having any opportunity to speak with Obama since his inauguration.
Obama’s stated policies in various speeches since he took up residence in our White House has led the Jewish folks, who voted overwhelmingly for him, to begin to wonder if he has their best interests in mind after all. Recall that Obama immediately promised $900 MILLION in ‘aid’ to the Palestinians, who have elected the terrorist organization Hamas as their leadership party, after the hostilities ceased earlier this year between militants in the Palestinian territory and Israel. Soon after the fighting ended Obama refused to sell Israel Apache attack helicopters over fears they would be used to “threaten” the Palestinians in the future however Obama had no problem providing Egypt with these very same amazing weapons systems when they were requested by that country.
Additionally Obama has recently demanded Israel stop building settlements in the West Bank, a demand that resulted in the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu telling him to go pound sand. Obama has also come out strongly for Israel to pull back on many demands on the Palestinians in his effort to hammer out a two state solution that many see as favoring the Muslims and weakening the the safety and security of the state of Israel.