• Youth
  • October 10, 2010
  • 3 minutes read

University students furious over rigging of student union elections.

University students furious over rigging of student union elections.

Muslim Brotherhood students at the University of Alexandria  staged a massive march on campus, last week protesting against the alleged rigging of the students’ union elections and the  preventing of  students from withdrawing applications  to register as  candidates.


Hundreds of students also organized a rally in front of the university’s administration building, to protest against the fabrication  of the student union polls.


Students submitted a letter to Dr. Hend Hanafi, the head of Alexandria’s University with attached photographs documenting the cases of electoral fraud.


Spokesman for the MB students at the Faculty of Engineering Hassan Mahfouz told Ikhwanweb that protests will continue if the university’s administration uses force in rigging  the students polls. He added students will continue to stage angry demonstrations so long as the administration refuses to respond to their demands.