- CoptsIslamophobia
- August 22, 2010
- 2 minutes read
US Copts protest against construction of NY mosque near Ground Zero
The rally will be held before the Washington Press Club and attended by the Universal Christian Union and the TV channel “Way to get out Christian message”. The rally will also be headed by Joseph Nasrallah in association with the National American Coptic Assembly and chaired by Morris Sadek from the American Coptic Association with Dr. Munir Dawoud and World Federation of minorities for Peace, leader Nabil Asad Al-Tazahri.
Anti Islamist activists Pamela Geller, from the “Stop Islamization of America”, Robert Spenser, Brigitte Gabriel and anti-Islamic Dutch MP Geert Wilders have been invited to participate in the event.
In a statement obtained by Egyptian newspaper Al-Youm al-Sabea. the organizations called on all Christians in the Middle East to condemn the alleged injustices inflicted upon the Copts in Egypt , the Christians of Iraq, Lebanon and to protest to the Islamization of America, according to the statements