- MB News
- July 6, 2007
- 2 minutes read
When Will You Be Back, Father

Dear Father
I missed you so much….I still remember your tender kisses while you were waking me up to go to school…and help me prepare my bag and school text books .
My dear father….
I won”t forget- despite your busy schedule- that you was helping me do my homework and visit me regularly at school to ask teachers about my performance.
Father…why do tyrants and oppressors extinguish any ray of hope in our country.
Why are they doing this oppression in a country that you made us love through your many talks about it; is this Egypt for which you are sacrificing your life.
I don”t know why your are continuously detained although I am sure that your only guilt is loving our homeland and defending it against corruption and oppressors .
My dear father
Although I miss you so much, but I am proud that I am the daughter of Eng. Mohamed Khairat Al Shater who is currently detained because he loves and defends Egypt, not because he is a member of parliament who illegally acquired horrendous bank loans, a drug dealer or one of the symbols of corruption which is wide-spread in our homeland…. .
Father… I am waiting for your beautiful smile and warm hug
I love you so much
Your daughter …Sara