Workshop by Ikhwan MPs on Constitutional Amendments

In response to president Mubarak’s call for MPs to voice their opinions concerning proposed constitutional amendments, the MB Parliamentary Bloc announced it will hold a workshop on its vision toward these amendments on Tuesday September 12, 2006 at Maadi Hotel. Legal and constitutional experts as well as representatives of different Egyptian political groups will discuss the Bloc’ vision with the aim to reach a formula of amendments in a way that achieves national reconciliation among all political forces. The workshop will include two sessions to address the president’s scope of authorities and his relationship with the Legislative, Judiciary and Executive branches of the government.

During the first session, MB Parliamentary Bloc member Dr. Ahmed Abu Baraka will present the Bloc’s viewpoint. The session will be moderated by Dr.Atef el Banna, Constitutional Law professor and a member of the New Wafd Party. The second session will be moderated by attorney Essam el Islambuly, member of the Arab Nasserite Party, and will revolve around the Bloc’s vision on the amendments envisaged to give further authority to the Parliament and its relation with the Executive authority. The workshop will conclude with a final session in which Dr. Abu Baraka will read out the final recommendations.

In a statement to Ikhwanweb, Abu Baraka said that this workshop and other similar debates are aimed to study the constitutional amendments with a number of legal experts to come out with a unanimous agreement on a formula that brings about national reconciliation and achieves political reform and change.