• January 1, 2015
  • 5 minutes read

Yahya Hamid Affirms: Muslim Brotherhood Essential for Egypt Revolution, Democratic Transformation

Yahya Hamid Affirms: Muslim Brotherhood Essential for Egypt Revolution, Democratic Transformation

 In an article for the news website Arabi21.com, Yahya Hamid (Minister of Investment in President Morsi’s government) said: "The truth of the matter is that asking the Muslim Brotherhood to leave the political arena ‘to give the democratic process a chance to succeed’ is antithetical to the concept of democracy, which basically means opening the scene to all to participate on an equal footing, with no exclusion of any parties, benefitting from all political and social segments in the service of the common good of the people.

"The Brotherhood offered itself to the Egyptian people in five democratic, free and fair, elections since the January 25 (2011) Revolution. It  won the confidence of the majority of the people in these five key events, the last of which was in December 2012, when about two-thirds of voters said ‘Yes’ in the referendum on the Constitution, which was regarded and treated by all at the time as a referendum on President Morsi’s popularity and legitimacy".

Hamid further said: "If those who demand the Brotherhood shuns politics actually want to support democracy, how could they seek to oust the party that has so clearly won the confidence of the people in all previous elections?!
"It’s no secret that there are many initiatives that seek to end the ongoing campaign of political arrests, and to release Brotherhood members from junta prisons, on condition they recognize the existing regime and accept a ceremonial political role within the existing regime."

Hamid points that: "The Brothers certainly reject these initiatives, not for any partisan or political purposes, but because the Brotherhood understands that Arab revolutions came to totally change previous mechanisms and regimes and the parliaments of the past, which had been used by the ruling classes to give a false appearance of democracy in Arab countries.

"Part of the January 25 (2011) Revolution was aimed against the caste system: against the ruling class and cronies like judges, corrupt civilian and military leaders, sovereign bodies and businessmen, a class that altogether represents 2 percent of the Egyptian population, and control most of the country’s wealth and resources.

"It is politically most absurd to demand that the largest faction relinquish its role in the revolutionary struggle, although it is the best able to stand by the people and help achieve the Revolution’s legitimate objectives."

Hamid further Explained: "After years of action, challenges and experience, the Egyptian Revolution has become aware of its role and the nature of the struggle. Therefore, it aimed to mobilize all segments of society to wrest their rights, and eliminate internal and external colonialism. How can anyone come out today and demand that a large faction such as the Muslim Brotherhood abandon the Revolution? In fact, what is required is that all the Egyptian people should join the Revolution with the Brothers and by their side, not for the Brotherhood to shun the Revolution.

"The Egyptian Revolution presents itself as a leader and rejuvenator of the second wave of Arab revolutions. The Brotherhood, as an integral part of that Revolution, seeks to mobilize the Egyptian people to play their part in the fight for change, against the ruling classes. With continued public confidence in the Brotherhood, according to independent polls, the group cannot renounce its role. It will remain among the ranks in the struggle to change the content and structure of the so-called Deep State in Egypt, which will change the shape of the whole region."