- MB in International press
- January 15, 2006
- 4 minutes read
Zahhar: We are not replacing anyone, rather we aspire for political partnership
The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, prominent political leader and candidate in the upcoming legislative elections Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahhar has reiterated his Movement’s stand that it wasn’t presenting itself as an alternative to a certain party per se, but rather works to realize genuine political partnership in the decision-making policy in the Palestinian arena.
Zahhar, who was speaking at a gathering in the Al-Reefi family house in the Gaza city’s suburb of Al-Tuffah Friday, affirmed, “Hamas is not looking forward to displacing any party, but it has an alternative program that it wishes to present in the Palestinian arena, as the program of the PA was given the full time and opportunity to achieve the minimum of the Palestinian people aspirations, but, sad to say, the PA program failed”.
“PA figures have acknowledged that the rampant security mess and the sweeping administrative corruption in the PA institutions could be solved only through democratic elections. Therefore, we all resorted to the elections option to change the system of governance, and we want to draw the concept of power alternation through ballot boxes and not through coups”, he underscored.
In a related matter, thousands of Palestinian citizens in northern Gaza Strip on Friday participated in the election rally that was organized by Hamas in support of its candidates.
Fathi Hammad, the candidate of the change and reform bloc of Hamas, affirmed that Hamas, after winning the elections, will make sure Palestinian people are accorded the honorable life they deserve, and would open the gate of development to serve as the pioneers in all fields. He further affirmed that the Movement will retain its weapons and upgrade them, urging his bloc mates not to be deceived by the PLC seats.
“Hamas right now is upgrading its information apparatuses and striving hard to establish the Aqsa space channel so as to defend the Islamic principles and the values of the Palestinian people”, he added.
Yousef Al-Sharafi, another candidate of the bloc, affirmed that Hamas while under the PLC dome will enhance the resistance option, which became the option of the Muslim Ummah and not of Hamas only.
“We are here to say we are partners in resistance and blood, and we must be partners in the decision-making process as Hamas will support all those faithful to Palestine and the Palestinian people”, Sharafi emphasized.
The bloc’s candidates in the Shijaiah and Zaiton suburbs of Gaza city held parallel elections rallies where they stressed adherence to the resistance option and practicing policy in a new way, chiding the employment discrimination practiced by the PA institutions against qualified Palestinian citizens with different political affiliations.
In the West Bank, the Hamas’ candidates continued their active campaigning in Qalqilia and Al-Khalil cities as they mingled with social gatherings and paid numerous visits to Palestinian houses and divans so as to acquaint them with the Movement’s political platform.
Sheikh Nayef Al-Rejoub, the Movement’s candidate in Al-Khalil district, affirmed, “the option of Hamas will, with no doubt, prevail because the Movement is shouldering the flag of truth, change, Jerusalem, prisoners, refugees, and the exiled among other important files