Freedom In Egypt


On liberalism and Islamism: Responding to the Arguments of Secular Liberalists

"Role of Religion in Liberal Society" is the title of the article by Islam Hussein published on ikhwaweb on October 29, 2011. The article is part of the debate of

MB Attorney Denounces SCAF Muzzling Media Freedom in Egypt

In an interview with IkhwanWeb, Jamal Tajuddin, Secretary General of the Freedoms Committee of the Egyptian Bar Association and leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood, denounced the Supreme Council of

MB Chairman Calls Military Junta to Regulate a Unified Open List in Next Legislative Polls

Dr. Mohammed Badie, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), met with more than 25 leaders representing different political parties members of the ruling.

State Security’s History of Repression and Torture

Decades of oppression and torture practiced by Security Forces from the successive regimes that ruled over Egypt for more than a hundred years, have competently failed to defend national security

Abdul Rahman Mansour Another Man Behind the Revolution

Following the revelation of Wael Ghoneim Google's now famous executive as being behind the People’s Revolution it’s only fair to announce that others were among the admin of January 25th

ANHRI Calls for A Policy for Information Access and Transparency

The Arabic Network for Human Rights has called on the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces temporarily running Egypt until the election of a civil government to work on a

Who Owns the Egyptian Revolution?

The Egyptian revolution was spearheaded by the youth, particularly the April 6 Youth Movement which put the wheels into motion years before.

Launched website reveals dictators’ scandalous supporters

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information today announced the launch of a new website dedicated to publish the names of Egyptian journalists,

The West’s Debt to Egypt

The huge protests in Egypt that have been taking place for the past weeks have paid off. Great sacrifices have been made, and hundreds of people have lost their lives,

What the Muslim Brothers Want

THE Egyptian people have spoken, and we have spoken emphatically. In two weeks of peaceful demonstrations we have persistently demanded liberation and democracy.