6 April


Egyptian opposition: Regime has reached lowest level of behaviour

Dr. Abdel-Halim Kandil, General Coordinator for the Kefaya movement criticized the Egyptian regime describing them as reaching the lowest possible moral standard with their constant defiance of the constitution and

Jerusalem Post fears post Mubarak Era

A recent article published in the Jerusalem Post discussed the current situation in Egypt with the upcoming parliamentary elections, the presidential elections and post Mubarak speculations.

Future faces

The face of Gamal Mubarak, the son of President Hosni Mubarak and chairman of the ruling National Democratic Party's (NDP) influential Policies Committee, has appeared on posters in the streets

Egypt rights group proposes election draft law

The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) submitted on Sunday a draft law for general elections and a referendum to Parliament for an alternative draft law for the Political Rights

POMED Notes: FY2011 Appropriations and Middle East Democracy”

The Project on Middle East Democracy and the Heinrich B?ll Foundation co-hosted an event on Capitol Hill to mark the release of a new publication, “The Federal Budget and Appropriations

Egypt: More security than protesters highlights Kuwait Embassy demo

While there were calls on Twitter for Kuwait to “stop persecuting Egyptian opposition,” a demonstration was scheduled in front of the Kuwait Embassy in the Cairo neighborhood of Dokki.

Police seize video footage, mobile phones to remove all traces of repression

The violence used by the police in an attempt to suppress any visual record of this demonstration was particularly disturbing,” Reporters Without Borders said.

Amnesty urges Egypt to free Facebook militants

Amnesty International on Saturday urged the authorities in Egypt to free 16 Internet activists jailed for more than two weeks for "threatening national security."