
Settlers torch mosque in Al-Mughayyir village near Ramallah

Jewish settlers torched a mosque in Al-Mughayyir village near Ramallah on Monday, causing serious damage to the entire structure.

US Delegation Mulls Over Business in Egypt Post-Revolution

Reiterating their commitment to Egypt’s market, in a roundtable meeting ahead of a US business delegation’s visit on June 8, members of the US-Egyptian Business Council, along with the US

UN Report Describes Internet Access as Human Right

Describing the internet as an indispensable tool for realizing a range of human rights, combating inequality, and accelerating development and human progress, Frank La rue presented a report to the

Jewish settlers burn 250 Palestinian trees in Nablus village

Jewish settlers started a huge fire in Palestinian farmland in Deir Al-Hatab village east of Nablus on Monday burning 250 olive and almond trees, local sources reported.

MB Chairman Congratulates Newly Formed Freedom and Justic Party (FJP)

The Muslim Brotherhood chairman Dr. Mohamed Badie expressed his pleasure with the acceptance of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party.