- ActivitesParliament News
- April 26, 2009
- 3 minutes read
Parliament Questions Egyptian Foreign Policy

On the occasion of Sinai Liberation Day, MB Parliamentary Bloc Media Spokesperson Dr. Hamdy Hasan questioned Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul-Gheit about the Egyptian government’s weak representation in the Durbin II conference on racism held recently in Switzerland and about the Egyptian delegation’s failure to address the issue of the apartheid wall as a point of condemnation for the Zionist entity.
Hasan took this opportunity to renew the call for executing the decision of the international justice court, condemning Israel, and providing support for Palestine.
Hasan further called on the foreign minister to explain Egypt’s stances towards its relations with Israel especially concerning its invitation of Israeli Foreign Minister Liberman to Egypt adding that “If his Excellency, the President of the Republic, stated that he was accustomed to seeing the Israeli PM in Egypt alone, then what would we do if he brought along his foreign minister? Would we prevent him, or say ‘it is the first time an Israeli PM brings along his foreign minister so, in terms of diplomacy, and in the name of hospitality and good manners, and for the sake of national security, we can’t prevent him from doing so,’ which would definitely result in the swallowing of humiliation.”